

Our Maths Curriculum


Maths Curriculum Intent

The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to deliver a curriculum, which is accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement in Maths. We strive to deliver lessons that are relevant and engaging to all pupils.  At Cusgarne School we believe that every child should develop a sound understanding in Maths, which will equip them with the skills of fluency, reasoning and problem solving which are essential skills to be a competent mathematician.

We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.


Maths Curriculum Implementation

At Cusgarne our planning is based on the White Rose scheme of work, which provides a progression in small steps of knowledge, skills and understanding for the children within each lesson and each block of learning. It ensures continuity in learning as they move through our school, ensuring that their maths understanding, knowledge and skills are practised and built on.

We use a variety of resources, so that teachers can find the best way of meeting the needs of the children in each year group. This includes resources from the White Rose scheme and some web-based resources, some of which the children can also assess at home. Alongside each planned block of learning in maths, we also provide regular fluency practice of key number facts and operations. 

We have a consistent approach to teaching maths through the maths mastery approach, in which all pupils develop a deep understanding of the concepts which they are learning. To achieve this, children can initially use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand and explain what they are doing. The children then build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations, which can then be used to reason and solve problems. Lastly, with the foundations firmly laid, children can move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence. A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

We have developed our own school calculation policy, which underpins our teaching, to ensure children grasp a sound understanding of number and are taught how to accurately and efficiently solve number calculations, reasoning and problem-solving challenges using the four operations. 


Maths Curriculum Impact

We regularly assess the children’s progress during lessons so that challenge and support can be provided. This ensures children experience success and can master the learning objectives. We encourage the quick recall of number bonds and multiplication facts. In Early Years Foundation Stage, continuous assessment is used to measure and extend children’s understanding in Maths. At Key Stage 1 and 2, we use termly standardised tests to assess the children’s’ learning against national curriculum standards for their age group.



Cusgarne Primary School
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