

The Friends of Cusgarne (FOC) is our parents and friends association.
The Friends are a dedicated group of people who help at school functions and raise funds for School to buy resources to enhance the children’s learning environment. Among other things, the Friends have paid for an annual subscription to the Cornwall Scrapstore so the school have unlimited access to fantastic art & craft materials, paid annually towards coach travel for class excursions, contributed to the purchase of brass musical instruments, bought bright library furniture, and paid for the installation of play equipment outside. We are currently fundraising to help the school purchase an outdoor classroom, to enhance the possibility for outside learning in our beautiful surroundings.
As well as the usual cake sales and ice cream stalls, other recent fundraising events include a sponsored family cycle ride, a nearly new sale, Sports Day cream teas & a raffle, a daffodil sale, a halloween disco, and bread-making and pizza workshops!
The current chairperson of the Friends is being shared between Tom Joyce and Emma Dyer, backed up and supported by a fantastic group. All are welcome to join, and we're always delighted to see new faces, whatever their connection with the school and its wider community.
We love and support Cusgarne School and hope you do too!

Cusgarne Primary School
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